Monday, 15 November 2010

Cow Concepts

After the fiasco with losing my sheep that I made in maya that I was working on for the last 2 weeks I've been trying to get motavated again. So I did some concept work of cows...
I think I might use this and try again with maya.... I don't really want to make the sheep from scratch again.

Pig rough

PC back, lost some work....

Reporting before I forget...
Got my PC back eventually a corrupted file erased my OS and Windows had to be reinstalled.
Great that the PC is working now but I lost the work I was going to post on here...
I'm rather depressed right now...

Sunday, 7 November 2010

PC poorly

My PC is currently in the shop right now...
Kept on BSOD when I tried booting it up and every attempt to fix it myself failed.
So it's currently in the shop and I have to call them monday afternoon... see what they say.

Monday, 1 November 2010

More Sheepy

Just plonking it up there.

Drawings: Continuing the sheep

Still trying to get a design I like for it

I like how the huge eyebrows bring more expression and it just looks dull without it...

Research: Cows

Research: Animal Farm

Actually managed to find a link to the whole animation.
Also funny enough the live action version too...
Finally an audio recording of the book as well.
Wiki link.