Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Wrexham in Bloom.

Well the Newi uni got approached by the wrexham council to design some posters or something for their "battery bee's" project.
Something about recycling batteries by placing them in bins that are along some nature route. Honestly apart from the whole thing seeming like a way to cut costs and get something for free it wasn't really relevent for a games student but hey we ran with it.

Since there was a mention of a website they had seen here we thought that perhaps making a little flash game would be allright and at least relevent to us. However they really did seem more interested in posters and leaflets, something a graphics designer or an illustrator would of been suited for. Feels like a carpenter being asked to build a submarine sometimes....

So here was our idea a simple flash game called Buzz Blitz a shoot-em-up game where you control a bee shooting batteries into falling bins. The idea being every time you missed the background would get more and more polluted until you lost.

Start Screen:

Gameplay Mock Up:

((Ah sod it I can't figure out how to post it as a animated gif, I'll figure it out later))

Game over screen:

Yeah so at least I got it over and done with.

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